Saturday, April 18, 2009

Book Spotlight

Picking Cotton A Memoir by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton with Erin Torneo

In 1984, in Burlington N.C, twenty-three-year-old Jennifer Thompson was raped at knifepoint by a man who broke into her apartment while she slept. She was able to escape, and eventually positively identified Ronald Cotton as her attacker. Ronald insisted that she was mistaken-- but Jennifer's positive identification was the compelling evidence that put him behind bars. After eleven years, Ronald was allowed to take a DNA test that proved his innocence. He was released, after serving more than a decade in prison for a crime he never committed. Two years later, Jennifer and Ronald met face to face-- and forged an unlikely friendship that changed both of their lives.

How could she make such a huge mistake? Here’s an explanation as well as an eyewitness test you can take yourself.

Picking Cotton is an immensely readable memoir about forgiveness and redemption. The video below is absolutely wrenching, and you don’t doubt Jennifer’s sorrow and remorse for one second.

CONTEST: Win a copy of Picking Cotton by making a comment on any blog next week starting Monday and emailing the blog master at nechespublicity @ Winner will be announced next Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. What a video. I can't wait to read this.
