Monday, February 7, 2011

A Dispatch from The Page Turner Luncheon

by Mindy Friddle

One of the best kind of book events is the kind sponsored by news media. Authors are sure to get publicity.  For example, here's one held every February:

Page Turner Luncheon 

in Orangeburg, SC, which benefits Newspapers in Education, an issue I strongly support. It's sponsored by The Times and Democrat, the local daily newspaper.

Three authors appear every year for this ticketed event...last week, Janna McMahan and I were the featured authors.

THIS ARTICLE  from The Times and Democrat in Orangeburg has all the details

  And to my delight, a video of Questions & Answers:

Each table had a clever, beautiful flower arrangement.

Authors, if you're interested in finding out more about next year's Page Turner Luncheon--one of the best-attended and elegant events I've ever had the pleasure to be part of-- contact Kyla Fraser, Advertising Director at The T and D:

Mindy Friddle is the author of The Garden Angel (St. Martin's Press/Picador), selected for Barnes and Noble's Discover Great New Writers program in 2004. 
Her second novel, Secret Keepers (St. Martin 's Press/Picador), won the 2009 Willie Morris Award for Southern Fiction.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing information about the luncheon in South Carolina. It sound like a lovely event.
