Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sweet, Hot Summers

I grew up camping every summer in Myrtle Beach with my folks, an older brother, and two older sisters. Of course the extended family was there, too--aunts, uncles, cousins, and a slew of friends. In retrospect, I'd imagine that we looked rather like a commune with pop-up campers, tents, and trailers. Lawn chairs and drying beach towels were scattered everywhere, charcoal grills were constantly simmering, and every single night somebody built a roaring campfire.

It didn't matter that it was humid and sticky hot. It didn't matter that my shoulders always got sunburned. It didn't matter that mosquitoes the size of stop signs buzzed around our oiled bodies, looking for a place to land. I was at the ocean and my days were filled with mini golf and games and enough food to make my belly protrude inside my swimsuit. Just lying around, playing cards, listening to my dad tell stories, and reading books was plenty satiating. I've loved books since I first discovered 101 Dalmatians, and then as I got older, I broke into my sister's supply of trashy romances, even though I didn't yet know what 'his manhood' meant. (I got in trouble when I asked my mom, and my older sisters made something up that scared the crap out of me.)

I still love books—both reading them and writing them. And for me, there's no better time to rediscover the pleasure of reading fiction than summer. What's better than discovering a great new book while sprawled in a hammock or lying by the pool, smelling those delicious grilling smells that make my stomach growl? Just like I spritz on lighter fragrances in summertime, I reader 'lighter' books. Something fun, something that moves fast, something with action, something that's a little steamy, and something that makes me laugh.

As an author, I'm all about writing to entertain and I pretty much write the same types of books that I love to read. (Something fun, something that moves fast…) Something, in other words, that fits nicely into my summertime plan, right between outdoor parties and impromptu road trips. In fact, I couldn't imagine a summer without books.

My latest book is SOUTHERN PERIL, which BOOKLIST called, "another action-packed comic mystery." I hope it finds its way into many beach bags, picnic baskets, and carry-on luggage this summer!

Thanks for checking in, and a very HAPPY SUMMER READING to all! Visit my website at http://www.tlynnocean.com/ , and please send me an email if you do read PERIL. I'd love to hear from you.

Cheers,T. Lynn Ocean

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