Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems is "a celebration of the south and things southern".
There are so many negative connotations associated with Mississippi and the south in general. In my book, using childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, I attempt to give a positive glimpse into the southern way of life. I would love for you to Meet Mississippi (and the south) Through Poetry, Prose and The Written Word.
For more information about the book, please check out my website at: http://www.patricianeelydorsey.webs.com/
For more information about the book, please check out my website at: http://www.patricianeelydorsey.webs.com/
If you want a glimpse of Southern life,
Come close and walk with me;
I'll tell you all the simple things,
That you are sure to see.
You'll see mockingbirds and bumblebees,
Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees,
Caterpillars on the step,
Wooden porches cleanly swept;
Watermelons on the vine,
Strong majestic Georgia pines;
Rocking chairs and front yard swings,
Junebugs flying on a string;
Turnip greens and hot cornbread,
Coleslaw and barbecue;
Fried okra, fried corn, fried green tomatoes,
Fried pies and pickles too.
There's ice cold tea that's syrupy sweet,
And cool, green grass beneath your feet;
Catfish nipping in the lake,
And fresh young boys on the make.
You'll see all these things And much, much more,
In a way of life that I adore.
There's nothing like a Southern man,
He's a man that you should know;
He's one to whom you'll find no equal,
Anywhere you go. He has a sweet molasses talk
And a slow, smooth gliding walk.
He's got strong, firm hands to let you know,
Real work is nothing new;
He has no problem with the fact, That he should provide for you.
There are certain kinds of values This man is sure to hold
His love of home and family Is sure to not grow cold.
He'll deeply love his mother It's a bond that's always there
All throughout his life, this man Will show her tender care.
He's one that you can count on, To do the manly things;
He'll change the tire and check the oil, And fix the backyard swing.
But, underneath a tough exterior, A gentle soul lies, too;
He's one who'll rock the baby, And even cook a meal for you,
On Sundays, he'll sit beside you singing, On the same church pew.
There's nothing like a Southern man,
He's a rare and special kind; If you look forever, anywhere,
He's the best you'll ever find
Let's go for a ride in the countryside, And make lots of stops along the way; Let's soak in all the warm sunshine, And create a perfect day.
Let's stop at someone's roadside stand, And maybe buy some fruit;
Let's pretend it's some great find, Just like a pirate's loot.
Let's go inside a country store, And have some bologna cut;
Let's sit outside and eat our fare, Like some treasure from King Tut.
Let's always enjoy life's simple things, And to their full extent;
Let's always spend these kinds of times, And make it our intent.
© 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorseyfrom Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life In Poems
The book is available
at www.reeds.ms/books.asp
or http://www.amazon.com/
The book is available
at www.reeds.ms/books.asp
or http://www.amazon.com/
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